A lot has happened in the last two weeks!
A few days after my last post I ran my first 10K. My ideal (and unrealistic goal) was to finish under 60 minutes. This is just a little better than a 10 minute/mile pace and my average pace for long runs until that point had been closer to 12 minutes. To my surprise, I finished in 63 minutes and maintained a 10 minute/mile pace for 6.2 miles!

It was a great race and I really enjoyed running the longer distance. It seemed like more of a 'runners race', as though people had trained more and there were more serious people at this one than the 5Ks I have previously run. Looking forward to some more 10Ks in the future!


I also went on my first trail run this weekend. It was a pretty relaxed three mile trek, but after already running almost 20 miles this week it was a good workout. The route56 band led worship for a retreat at this amazing camp this weekend and a few hours after our trail run I found myself doing the "hike to the cross" with some of the students. As we prepared for the somewhat simple hike we were told that there was a second cross that the students weren't allowed to hike to because it was too high and dangerous. Man challenge accepted. Along with the other guys from the band we began the arduous journey up the mountain. After a good hike we found ourselves literally scaling rock walls and at the end I could not believe how high and far we had climbed! The pics really don't do it justice, but believe me when I say it was quite a journey!

I made the remark to Shauna that my balance and center of gravity has shifted a lot since I've lost weight. I've always been a bit clumsy, but carrying around extra weight really does something to your equilibrium. This was the first real challenge I've had since losing 50 pounds and I was really impressed at what my body could do. Definitely something I would want to try again. 

So, now I've got six weeks left for my training program. I ran 7 miles on Friday and though I had some minor complications, I can safely say that the long runs are getting easier. I'm getting more comfortable. I've got a 10 mile Red Nose Run in January before the Half-Marathon in February. I'm looking for a good race in December. I'm headed home (New Orleans) next week and looking forward to doing my 8 mile long run along the levee of the Mississippi River. 

Till next time, keep putting one foot in front of the other.

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